Book and lyrics by Diane Uniman.
Short Dramatic Stage Play
Transitions in life can alternately burn us and thrill us and in trying to cope, sometimes it seems like only a miracle can help us. Sometimes, that miracle shows up in the most unlikely places… and the most unlikely people.
“This writer moved me emotionally more than I have been moved by any other writer in a long time.”
Moondance International Film Festival
Awards & Festivals
- Moondance International Film Festival
(WINNER! Best Dramatic Stage Play) - Westplay Playwright’s Dream Fesival
- Legacy Playwright’s Festival
Production History
Westplay Playwright’s Dream Festival
Production at Westbeth Community Center Theater.
Directed by Peter Ratray (“Law and Order,” Torch Song Trilogy)
Legacy Playwrights’ Festival
Original reading production at The Producer’s Club, New York City.
Directed by Caroline Kennedy.